Open Pores

The human skin contains millions of tiny pores that play a very important role in the skin as it helps the skin breathe and maintain body temperature. 

Open Pores Treatment
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Open Pores Treatment in Delhi

Pores contain hair follicles and oil glands which produce a natural oil called sebum that in turn helps to maintain moisture in the skin and keeps it hydrated. Hormones play a role in oil production as they stimulate sebaceous glands to produce more sebum which gives every individual a different type of skin since the hormonal levels vary among every individual. People with oily skin have more production of sebum and are more likely to have enlarged open pores than dry skin or normal skin as per the best dermatologist in Delhi. However, people with both oily and dry skin can have large open pores that occur due to UV exposure, aging, and adolescence. Pores appear more visible due to excessive oil production around the nose and T- zone area. Excessive oil production of the skin also triggers acne, which also enlarges the size of the pores.

Why are large open pores a matter of concern?

Large open pores make the skin look dull and unhealthy due to clogging with impurities like dirt, oil, and bacteria as per the best skin specialist in Delhi. These impurities of the skin lead to more skin-related problems like acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and skin allergies - says Dr. Dadu.

Several factors are responsible for open pores and enlarged pores. UV exposure causes skin problems, and the occurrence of open pores is one of them. Excessive sebum production, growth of hair follicles, hormonal imbalance, and aging also causes enlargement of pores. Sometimes the problem of open pores is caused by genetic heredity. People with acne-prone skin have much larger pores in appearance.

Open pores treatments in Delhi

Diagnosis of open pores can be determined by physical analysis and treatments can be given accordingly. Dadu Medical Centre provides the best open pores treatment in Delhi.  All these treatments help in curing the condition of the open pores at different levels since every treatment has its individual importance and mechanism of action.

1. Topical Creams for open pores

Topical medication such as Vitamin C, Niacinamide or Glycolic acid helps manage open pores.

2. Chemical peels 

Exfoliating helps remove dirt, oil, and any other impurities that clog the skin pores. Deep exfoliation can be done with scrubs, exfoliating creams, lotions, foams, and chemical peels. The chemical peel helps in the removal of dead skin cells through fruit peels like salicylic and glycolic acid. This method also helps to reduce excessive sebum production in the skin, which prevents acne. Reduction in the amount of oil production of the pores makes them look smaller and clean. 

3. Laser Treatment for open pores 

Laser treatment increases collagen production and elastin in the skin. This treatment improves skin texture and shrinks pores that appear due to aging and skin sagging. Popular laser treatment works by promoting collagen production and skin resurfacing and thus improving open pores. The laser beam is bombarded as a channel or fraction to cover a particular region and penetrates deep inside; it destroys all the clogged impurities and bacteria, thus reducing the pores' size effectively.

4. Microneedling 

Microneedling involves a Dermaroller/Dermapen with small needles to prick the skin and thus creating small injuries. This procedure improves skin texture by boosting collagen production and the healing process. Microneedling requires multiple sessions to reduce the size of the pores, age scars, and skin scars. 

5. Pore reduction injections

The pore reduction injection is also effective in shrinking the enlarged open pores.

6. Treatments

like microdermabrasion, and some medifacials like Silk Peel can also be helpful to treat open pores.

Dr. Nivedita Dadu at Dadu Medical Centre suggests the most suitable treatment based on one's skin concern. For open pores treatment in Delhi, visit Dadu Medical Centre.

Open Pores Videos

Open Pores क्या होते हैं? खुले रोमछिद्रों का इलाज क्या है ? | Best Product for Open Pores | DMC
How To Treat Open Pores? | Best Treatment Options Available for Open Pores | Dr. Nivedita Dadu
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Monday to Saturday : 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
Sunday : 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Timings for Consultation
(Dr. Nivedita Dadu)
Vasant Vihar: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rajouri Garden: Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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