India's Most Trusted Skin, Hair, Body & Laser Clinic.
PCOD causes the growth of cysts in the ovaries, which are a major cause of hormonal imbalance. Early diagnosis makes it easier to manage the condition and its side effects with the best PCOD treatment in Delhi, offered by the experts at Dadu Medical Centre.
Patients suffering from PCOD experience a wide range of side effects affecting the skin, including acne, hirsutism, skin tags, hair thinning, hyperpigmentation, oily skin, and more.
At Dadu Medical Centre, Dr. Nivedita Dadu offers a comprehensive range of treatments and medications for patients dealing with such skin-related issues caused by PCOD.
It can be investigated by different hormonal and metabolic blood tests and ultrasound of the pelvis and abdomen.
The main cause of PCOD is not known, however factors that triggers the release of increased male hormones are:
Women can beat PCOD by managing their respective health concerns such as hirsutism, acne, obesity, or infertility. Some lifestyle habits that shall be encouraged among all women include:
The individual shall intake whole, unprocessed foods in their natural, unaltered form such as grains, rice, pulses, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Anti-inflammatory foods such as fish rich in fatty acids; olive oil; nuts like walnuts and almonds; green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale; tomatoes; and fruits like strawberries, oranges, blueberries, and cherries are also useful. The consumption of all these items in a balanced diet helps in keeping check of in-su-lin levels and provides dietary fibers that reduce the androgens. Unnatural foods like refined pasta and bread; ready-to-eat foods like chips; and refined oils should be avoided as they spike the in-sul-in levels and have zero nutrition value.
It is one of the key things that every woman suffering from PCOD should work upon to bring back their imbalanced hormonal levels and to improve in-sul-in sensitivity. It is recommended by the experts that women should indulge themselves in normal physical activity; mind and body exercises like yoga, pilates, dance ; aerobic exercises such as swimming, biking, dancing, brisk walking; or enroll in High-Intensity Interval Training (resistance training) for 20 minutes, 4 to 5 times a week to improve endurance and muscle strength. The exercises that can be included in the training are push-ups, squats, sit-ups, or lifting weights.
Women that have anxiety, depression, mood swings, and are emotionally frustrated have body shape issues should take a break from their stressful environment. They should listen to music, meditate, have a bubble bath, meet friends and family, or go for a nature walk. This will help reduce their cortisol levels as they will feel at peace and happy. Even sitting peacefully and taking deep breaths can work.
It is necessary as it would prevent the adding of toxins from tobacco and high calories from alcohol in the body. At Dadu Medical Centre, the doctor clinically diagnosed PCOS by asking the following.
Many people try natural remedies and perform lifestyle modifications to cure these problems. If they are not able to manage these problems, they can book an appointment with a doctor for PCOD Treatment in Delhi at Dadu Medical Centre to get the best cure for this problem.
At the clinic, advanced laser treatments are provided to remove unwanted body hair and both hormonal and advanced skin treatments are provided to manage acne problems.
At the clinic, advanced laser treatments are provided to remove unwanted body hair and both hormonal and advanced skin treatments are provided to manage acne problems. If you're looking for PCOD treatment in Delhi, Dadu Medical Centre offers specialized care to effectively manage PCOD. Their expert team provides advanced and comprehensive treatments to address the condition and its associated symptoms.
Yes, PCOD causes hormonal imbalance, typically an increase in male hormones(androgen) and insulin resistance. This leads to various skin issues such as acne, hirsutism, oily skin, pigmentation, and many more.
Yes, PCOD can lead to androgenic alopecia (hair thinning) due to high androgen levels. This typically results in hair thinning at the crown and along the parting of the scalp.
Consulting a dermatologist at Dadu Medical Centre would be the best option for anyone suffering from PCOD related skin issues as they are well trained and certified to treat such skin issues caused due to PCOD.
At Dadu Medical Centre, some treatments for PCOD-related skin issues include: